Title the Squared Show 2023 (12 x 12 canvases)
Dates January 6, 7, & 8, 2023
Times Friday 7-9pm, Saturday 11am - 5pm, Sunday 11am - 4pm
Online Salesbegin at 8pm Friday, January 6
Location Gabriola Arts & Heritage Centre, 476 South Road. Gabriola
Selling Price $290 for everyone (youth $90)
Commission 20/80 split (80% to the artist) • Kids 10% commission charge
show details | 100, 12" x 12" canvases
2023 Participating Artists
Alexandra Gill (youth, 14)
Ava Luna
Barbara Hague
Bella Heughan (youth, 11)
Brendalee Astells
carol weaver
Catherine Hart
Cerasela Toba
Charleigh Boulton (youth, 11)
Claire Muir
Colleen Marana
Danielle Dickson
David Aris
Elsa Bluethner
Esther Robison
Ezra Miller
Genevieve Hicks
Grant Leier
Gwen Spinks
Hilary Farmer
Jacob Suess
Janet Johnson
Jan Pullinger
Jim Heeks
Joanie Wright
Joke Mensink
Jonathan Hoskins
Juanita Kristofferson
Judith Madsen
Judith Stirt
Katerina Gill
Kathy Dennison
Kimm Nightingale
Leaha Argue
Lesley Comassar
Leslie Burkhart
Linda Holmes
Linden Utting
Lisa Carter
Liv Boulton (youth, 9)
Maia Levine
Mark Huisman
Mary Mitchell
Mary Jo Fulmer
Maxx Duncalfe
Mia Mac Donald-West (Youth, 11)
Nerissa Layton
Nicole Ker
Ode Howard
Olena Gill
Paige Hilland (youth, 8)
Pat Rokosh
Patrick Belanger
Piper Hilland (youth, 12)
Rhonda Bruce
Ro Walton
Rob Robinson
Sandra Miller
Sandra Civitarese
SharmaRay Goldman
Shelley Twist
Sonja Suess
Stephen Cole
Susan Banjavich
Susan Hudson
Tammy Hudgeon
Tara Qua
Thirza Voysey
Tony Grove
Tracey Dorman
Tyrrell Clarke
Vicky Bowes
Zena Rogak